Дъга / Daga
Produced by Konstantin JambazovBallads & Melodic Rock collection - Pop, Rock, Hard Rock ballads and melodic instrumental songs.
This album was recorded between 2006 to 2013, including the songs from different periods.
Available digital distribution only.
- Released by: ORPHICTONE
- UPC/EAN: 193428639249
- Release date: 17 May 2019
Volume 1 / 11 songs / duration: 54:10
- 1 Светлините на доброто / The lights of goodness 5:57
- 2 Благодаря ти, че те има / Thank you for being there 4:59
- 3 Дъга / Rainbow 5:07
- 4 Кокошки и петли / Hens and cockerels 3:53
- 5 Сърцето ми / My heart 4:34
- 6 Колко си хубава / How beautiful you are 3:19
- 7 Вълшебно / Magic 5:40
- 8 Остров / Island 4:14
- 9 Лунапарк / Lunapark 5:48
- 10 Пътешественик / Traveler 5:52
- 11 Сили / Force 4:43
- 1 Устрем / Impetus 4:34
- 2 С любов / With love 4:50
- 3 Истина или лъжа / Truth or lie 5:20
- 4 Cats and Dogs 4:46
- 5 Temple of Illusions 4:06
- 6 Зверски бийт / Beasty beat 5:14
- 7 Сега или никога / Now or never 4:44
- 8 Baby, It's True 3:58
- 9 За вярата и истината / For Faith and Truth 7:21
- 10 To the Sea 3:46
- 11 Когато е тежко / When it's heavy 4:45