Produced by Konstantin Jambazovブルガリア出身ミュージシャン3人、Rosen Angelov, Nick Markov, Konstantin Jambazov から成るメロディアス・プログレッシブ・ロック・バンド。それぞれ、 英国、米国、ブルガリアに在住するため、楽曲はインターネットを介して製作されている。2011年、ファースト・アルバム「VirtueL - I」をリリース。本作品のプロデュースも手がけている Konstantin Jambazov はご存知の方もいるかと思うが、AOR/メロハー・デュオ「ClearLand」、Nelko Kolarov (Nikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus,Brazen Abbot,元Robin Gibb Band)のソロアルバムや ブルガリア産スラッシュ・バンド「Hades」などに参加するジャンルを超えるマルチミュージシャンである。
- Released by: ORPHICTONE
- Label No. ORPH-0001
- Release date: 24 September 2013
14 songs / duration: 70:45
- 1 The Beginning - Intro - 2:14
- 2 Arguing With Shadows 9:18
- 3 All Night 3:09
- 4 Farewell To A Golden Heart 6:20
- 5 Rearranged 3:13
- 6 I'm Back 4:39
- 7 Indecision 5:31
- 8 The River Of Destiny 5:52
- 9 Off They Go 5:04
- 10 My Portal To Heaven 7:05
- 11 Faraway 5:43
- 12 What An Old Man 6:28
- 13 Conception Of Perception 4:34
- 14 Delight - Outro- 1:34
The Bulgarian threesome Virtuel is a band that knows its way around symphonic progressive rock, melodic hard rock and progressive metal, and mostly explores within the confines of these three styles on their latest album "Conception of Perception" in an intelligent and compelling manner. Symphonic inspired keyboard arrangement and neo-classical guitar soloing represent two of the most common aspects of their compositions, which otherwise range from the flamboyant and bombastic to the compelling and easygoing in expression. As far as a key audience is concerned, I suspect most of those who have Queen, ELP and early Malmsteen on high rotation should enjoy this disc, and of Deep Purple and Dream Theater are other bands to your liking I'd say that this CD should be a fairly safe buy.
This is a bit hard to place in a progressive-rock sub-genre. It has the musical elements of 70s arena rock, neo-progressive rock, and to a lesser degree, Progressive Metal. References to Pendragon and Asia would certainly be reasonable. At times the vocalist sounds much like John Wetton, although with a slightly sunnier tone. Keyboards, mostly electric, play a major role, and the occasional nod to Rick Wakeman can be heard. The music is lively, and there's a lot going on at the same time.